Vivo has been around for quite some time, but I only discovered the greatness of this restaurant earlier this year. Vivo is a vegan/vegetarian restaurant that the only meat that they serve, is the invasive Lionfish that has crept into our waters within the past few years.
We were there for brunch unexpectedly. The weather was gorgeous, the sea breeze cool and crisp. Although Vivo is a quaint restaurant along the ironshore of West Bay, in the Lighthouse Point Resort; the location is possibly the most scenic and one of the greatest spots to catch a sunset, unless it is raining!
I am the biggest fan of breadfruit! I possibly think that my last meal would just be a plate of breadfruit salad or stem breadfruit and butter! End of story, thank you very much! Such nostalgia of my childhood! We even had a breadfruit tree in my yard, until I was 14 actually. In fact, we lost the tree to Hurricane Ivan. The day we dined at Vivo, breadfruit fritters were on their menu as a special. Of course, we tried them. They were okay given my scepticism as I am some times the person that prefers traditional staples/menus/ingredients to be kept they way they were and not modified by any means. Although the texture was very different to the traditional way I enjoy eating breadfruit, I have to admit although there was hesitation, I did enjoy the twist on such a local staple.
Breadfruit Fritters
French toast is always my go to for breakfast as I am not an egg eater. It’s a texture thing for me! The Vivo French Toast was literally like eating clouds! The bread was home-made, extremely soft, fluffy and very well spiced. The crust of the bread was crunchy and the bread wasn't overly soggy, this maybe was because they soaked it in coconut milk! The berry compote was quite tart but actually balanced the dish very well. I typically, always want syrup with French toast but the thought didn't even cross my mind!
Vivo French Toast
My other half, had the Lionfish curry and he too was not disappointed. Did you know they actually make their own fresh coconut milk! I didn’t taste the curry, I was opposed to mixing sweat and savoury and having my taste buds go haywire, but Juan mentioned the fish was not over cooked, rather quite soft, and similar in texture to sea bass. Needless to say, Vivo has become a staple in our monthly visits for restaurants!
Lionfish Curry
By the way, if you have never had a Cococcino from Vivo and you are a coffee lover, you are missing out! It is made with fresh coconut milk! It’s slightly more difficult to form coconut milk than cow’s milk, so it always seems like a typical café con leche but it is heaven in a mug and on your taste buds!